Åland International Dog Show!
Eckerö, Åland 29.9. 2024
BIS-3 Breeders group!
What a fantasic end of the weekend to enter the big ring and end upp as no. 3 in breeders group. It is not so often you see poodles in breeders group finals. This was possible due to that Daidai Darling and Heidi came from Tampere and Daidai Eros and Annette Länghemmer came from Stockholm. The two last poodles were our own Daidai Enny who also was BOS junior and Daidai Chloé. In the breed ring judge was Robert Kotlar from Hungary and in the BIS Breeders group final was Colm Hastings from Ireland. We feel so proud of our poodles from Kennel Daidai!
First international champion for Kennel Daidai!
Talliin, Estonia 14.9.2024
C.I.B. EE Ch and BOB
We're absolutely thrilled to announce that our ownbred Daidai Darling "Dagmar" has achieved the prestigious title of International Champion! This is a monumental accomplishment that is a testament to Heidi Laine's exceptional care and dedication.
Dagmar has truly lived up to her potential, following in the footsteps of her remarkable mother, Caspian Line's Look at me. Her journey to this title has been filled with hard work and travels.
We're sending our warmest congratulations to Heidi and Dagmar. We're so proud of everything they've achieved, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for this amazing duo!"
New Lithuanian Winner 2024
Vilinius, Lithuania 9.3.2024
We couldn't be more proud of "Dagmar" Daidai Darling and Heidi. They added new titles to their list in Lithuania last weekend.
Travelling all the way from Tampere to Lithuania, (it is a long trip) and it paid off so well. We say huge congratulations!
Judge: Svein Björnes from Denmark
Daidai Chloé årets agility Hopp hund 2023!
Agility.ax 28.2.2024
Daidai Chloé blev utnämnd till årets Hopp agilityhund för 2023 av den egna klubben Agility.ax. Vandringspriset är nyinstiftat och hon blev den första som fick sitt namn på bucklan. Chloé blev även årets 3:e agilityhund som har ett annat vandringspris. Chloé fick också diplom för klassuppflytt från klass 1-2 i hopp.
Vi är mycket stolta och glada över vår lilla raket!
DAIDAI DARLING new Finnish, Norwegian and Latvian Show Champion!
7 of November 2023
We would send our congratulations to Heidi and "Dagmar" Daidai Darling who is now also Finnish, Norwegian and Latvian show Champion!
Dagmar turned 2 years in September and can already put a lot of titles to her name.
Fauske, Norway 6.8.2023
We are so truly happy that C.I.B.-J FI JunCH EE JUCH DAIDAI DARLING "Dagmar" was BOB with CAC and CACIB in Norway under judge Jean-Jacques Dupas, France.
Owner and groomer is Heidi Salonen and she is doing an excellent job with Dagmar who will be 2 years in a month.
She also got beautiful critics: Very feminine. Excellent type, nice head. Excellent ears and neck, topline and chest. Typical tail. Nice angulations. Excellent coat and color. Typical movement.
New Finnish Show Champion!
Kankanpää 23.4.2023
FI UCH, 2nd best male
Daidai Ares from our first litter got his last CC in Kankanpää group show for judge Leni Finne and is now Finnish showchampion!
Ares was cut down during corona and he had already recieved 3 CC before 2 years of age. Now by 5 years his is finally champion and will be cut down again to continue his agility career.
New Cup Winner 2022 - 2023
6 March 2023
After a very exciting competition in the final round of Alandia Flow Dog's Winter cup, Daidai Ares and Lilly won the whole thing. They were at the final competition in 4 place but after two zero rounds. They got so much points that they end up winning the Competition class.
This is the first time kennel Daidai wins the competition class. Last summer Daidai Chloé won the Start class in the summer cup. We are very proud of our agility poodles!
Kennel Daidai's first ownbred champion
august 27, 2022
We are so happy and proud to announce that Kennel Daidai has it first ownbred champion FI JUCH Daidai Darling also called "Dagmar". She is after Ronickens Skywalker and Multichampion Caspian Line's Look at Me. "Dagmar" is owned and handled by Heidi Salonen living in Tampere, Finland. Dagmar entered her first show at the Finnish Poodle Speciality and became BOB and BIS-3 puppy. After that she has been BOB-puppy at three aditional shows and as a junior she already has two CAC. I am so happy for both Heidi and Dagmar and good luck in the future!
Kajsa 2nd in Agility.ax Cup!
November 18, 2019
Ch Caspian Line's Look at Me "Kajsa" came at 2nd place in Agility.ax Cup that took place from spring to autumn. She was only 1 point behind winner Malin Johansson and Tira.
At first I was not about to start her at all, but good decision that I did. Kajsa came also second last year in the same competition :-)
Kennel Daidai´s International champions were awarded!
March 20, 2019
We are so lucky to have such beautiful poodles. Last week, both "Karlos" C.I.B. FI CH SE CH Aromatic Casino Royale and "Kajsa" C.I.B. NORD CH FI CH SE CH NO CH EE CH Caspian Line's Look at Me were awarded by the local Kennel Club for their achievements in the show rings. We got except from ribbons and beautiful diplomas, 4 champagne glasses to enjoy with some bubbles when the time is right.
Karlos is now retired and focus on Rally Obidience, but Kajsa is still on and will enter the rings again after her second litter.